Compression strength usually tends to drop after two days of manufacturing; hence the Corrugators are forced to use higher substrate paper to avoid the drop in Compression Strength. This leads to higher losses to our Corrugators, since the end users won’t be ready to bear the extra cost.
Our additive makes sure that the Compression Strength remains constant or even improves. Other advantages are that even the Bursting/Crushing Strength, ECT, FCT factors also increase by an agreeable margin. You can even lower the paper parameters to get the desired strength.
Product Name : H2R+
Physical Form : Powder / Liquid
Once the Gum preparation is finished, kindly add the chemical & mix well for 2 – 3 minutes.
The gel temperature / pH / Viscosity remains constant.
H2R+ keeps Compression strength constant throughout due to its film forming property when the various layers of papers adhere. It eliminates the need to add higher substrate of paper to achieve the required compression strength thereby saving paper costs. Also Burst factor can be reduced as shown in the pic.